Marie ZINS
Maître·sse de conférences (MCF)
Praticien·ne hospitalier·e / médecin

Employeur principal

Université Paris-Descartes (Paris 5)
Cohortes épidémiologiques en population (CONSTANCES) / UMS 11

16 avenue Paul Vaillant Couturier
94800 Villejuif

European Thematic Fields (JPI)

  • Environnement et habitat
  • Participation sociale
  • Qualité de vie, bien-être et santé

Research projects

Cohorte Constances

CONSTANCES is a general-purpose population-based prospective epidemiological cohort, made of a randomly selected sample of 200,000 adults aged 18-69 at inception, representative of the French population affiliated to the national workers social security system (salaried workers, professionally active or retired and their family, about 85% of the French population)..

Institutional framework of the project: Projet collaboratif en France
Disciplines : Médecine, Épidémiologie
Cohorte Gazel

The GAZEL cohort was composed of 20625 employees of the French national gas and electricity companies at its inception in 1989. Follow-up includes data on health status, lifestyle, and socioeconomic and occupational factors. The main focus of research is the study of the persistent, long-term effects of occupational exposures, of the transition between professionally active life and retirement, and on determinants of early ageing..

Institutional framework of the project: Projet collaboratif en France

Author/researcher IDs

E-mail: marie.zins [at]